Assistance for individuals

AdminService68, services aux particuliers

Assistance for individuals

You wish to free yourself from your administrative papers, your unsorted mail, your declarations of all kinds, or wish to carry out administrative procedures

  • Aide & accompagnement pour toutes sortes de tâches administratives : acte de mariage, acte de naissance, déménagement, assurances, ouverture de compte (eau, gaz, électricité, internet, compte bancaires, ordures ménagères etc.),
  • Aide remplissage formulaires
  • Rangement / tri de documents ou de courriers
  • Numérisation et archivages de documents
  • Aide à la création de vos accès personnels sur les portails en ligne (Impôts, EDF, Pôle Emploi, AMELI, URSSAF, ANTS etc.)
  • Liaison / coordination / démarches administratifs / demande de devis etc.
    entre particulier et artisans / autorités pour projets de rénovation ou de construction
  • Gestion de contrats (comparaison aux offres marchés pour payer moins cher, ou renégocier vos contrats)
  •  Aide immatriculation véhicules – demande ou changement de carte grise – déclaration de vente etc.
  • Accompagnement physique aux RDV administratifs

As part of our company charter, and in order to work together in the best possible conditions, we propose a mandate (Power of Attorney) to act on your behalf:

The said mandate, adapted to your situation, will look like this:


Name First name
Postal code / City
Phone number

Subject: Power of Attorney

I, the undersigned (first name, last name), born on (date of birth) in (place of birth) and residing at (address) acting as principal hereby give power of attorney to :

Mrs. Katalin WILLIAMS (AdminService68) born on 24/01/1975 and residing at 145 Chemin de Potier, 97126 Deshaies acting as proxy to represent me on my behalf and in accordance with my interests with (name of the person, institution, service, etc. for which the power of attorney is intended – or general sentence if more than one organization will be involved).

By this power of attorney, valid from (start date) to (end date), the authorized representative is entitled to carry out the following operations:

(List the acts or transactions authorized on your behalf as:

Sign documents and conduct administrative or business correspondence,
Making telephone calls,
Carry out banking transactions
Etc., in a general way, to carry out without limitation all the steps useful to the safeguard of the interests of the principal).

To do what is right.




In order to work in the best conditions, we will ask you for certain elements (invoices, copies of official documents, etc…)

This list is not established in advance, it will be asked to you at the time of your taking in charge by Adminservice68.

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